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How eInvoicing is set to take off in Australia
The traditional “invoice by mail or email” creates fertile ground for mistakes that more often than not, lead to invoices being paid late, to the wrong supplier or are the incorrect amount.
Understanding Merchant Fees
Merchant Fees. They’re as annoying as they are confusing. Many business owners don’t know enough about how they work or what they are paying for, let alone the breakdown of costs behind each transaction.
Spenda + Capital Transport = Delivery Dream
Every business struggles with the same thing. Satisfying customers. Giving them what they want, when they want it, and giving it to them in the way they want to be engaged.
SpendaPOS & Xero Combining Forces
Ben & Jerry’s. Fish & Chips. Tom Hanks and Wilson. Some things were just created to become a great working duo, Spenda and Xero have joined the party.
Valentines Day Tips For Businesses
You don’t have to be a florist or chocolate store to spike sales.