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B2C payments
Get paid wherever your business takes you. Simple to set up, easy to use, great rates.

Accept more payment methods and get paid faster
Maximise conversions
Deliver a faster checkout experience and quickly turn browsers into buyers.
Never miss a sale
Own the payments experience and accept payments anytime, anywhere.
Accelerate growth
Quickly embed a scalable and user-friendly payment solution that’s right for your business.
Secure and reliable
Accept higher payment volumes, quickly and securely, and get paid in real-time.

With our merchant services solution, your business can seamlessly accept payments and maximise conversions.
Card acceptance will vary based on services delivered. Payment terms and points are dependent on the terms offered by individual credit card providers.

How it works
Use a payment solution that’s designed to fit your specific business needs.
Sign up now
Sign up today and your dedicated onboarding manager will take care of the rest.
Set up your payments
Your EFTPOS machine is ready, right out of the box. Our team will work with you to set up your payment service and show you how to send payment reminders via a link.
Take payments
Accept more payment methods, start saving money instantly, and make more from every sale.

Are you ready to get started?

Turn browsers into buyers
Manage your online and offline payments with greater ease. Our merchant services solution helps you deliver a better checkout experience and boosts your chances of turning browsers into buyers, faster.
Accept payments anytime, anywhere
Own the payments experience and accept payments anytime, anywhere. EFTPOS down? No Problem. Payments can also be taken directly on a tablet or iPad, removing the need for an EFTPOS machine. Having our mobile virtual terminal check-outs readily available is handy, particularly in an emergency.
Take payments your way
Quickly embed a scalable and user-friendly payment solution that is right for your business. Choose to pay 0% in merchant service fees and save your business thousands of dollars every year. Reconciliation and integration automation lowers the total cost of business payments and delivers a compelling ROI for for business.
Reduce fraud risk
With strict AML and KYC compliance, Two Step Authentication and double security testing measures, you can process payments with complete confidence knowing all your transactions and data is safe.
View our useful resources
DX8000 User Guide
Mentor User Guide
DX8000 Troubleshooting Guide
Payments Acceptance Guide
Merchant Chargeback Fraud Protection Guide
Fees and charges
Payments FAQ’s
Are you ready to get started?